
Video Editing Instructions

Categories: Exercises, Uncategorized|

Premier Pro is a professional video editing software that is easy to use and that is available for both Windows and OSX.  Download the instructions here

Final Projects

Categories: Exercises|

Final projects is a test of your understanding of media and digital literacy concepts. Final Project Guidelines Your final project is a critical research oriented investigation into some aspect of Arab media, conflict, civic activism and


Categories: Exercises|

Audacity is a free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. Assignment Instructions: Podcasting RECORD VOICE in a new window Write a script of 5-6 sentences related

Photo Editing

Categories: Exercises|

Pixlr is a free web-based and mobile app for editing photos. It includes overlays, filters, and many more easy-to-use tools. Choose an image from a news magazine Make sure to choose a large size


Categories: Exercises|

Create and Edit Videos with Videolicious. An Iphone or an Ipad is required for this assignment Filming Make sure you already prepared your script and your shot list to make the procedure of filming better

Blogging: WordPress Exercise

Categories: Exercises|

Wordpress is an online open source publishing platform. How to create a blog through Wordpress? Log on to https://wordpress.com/ Click on “Create website” and follow the instructions