MIL in Schools
Ms. Mishka Mourani (IC), Ms. Lynn Sakr (Jesus & Mary), and Ms. Ghadeer Mansour (PYLARA) moderated by Lubna Maaliki (LAU) shared with us their experience in introducing media literacy in their schools. Ms. Mourani talked about MDL in IC is incorporated MDL within the curricula in the early grades and provided training to teachers and trainers by sending them to MDLAB. […]
Ms. Oubada Kasar (LAU), Ms. Nadine Mazloum (Newsroom Nomad), and Dr. Khaled Nasser (LAU) moderated by Ms. Nada Abdul Samad discussed the relation between media and youth radicalization. Ms. Oubada Kasar talked about her findings from a study about she conducted around the usage of media among youths and its connectedness to radicalization. The study exhibited the […]
Dr. Henry Jenkins and Dr. Sangita Shresthova explored specific promises and challenges through a case study of American Muslim youth networks that confront the often harsh political climate of Post-9/11 America.
“Graphic images should be scarcely used in the media so people can be less aggressive” concluded Dr. Susan Moeller her lecture on the power of images.
Dr. Jad Melki opened the Media and Digital Literacy Academy of Beirut (MDLAB) 2016 with a lecture about media literacy and the missions and goals of MDLAB.
هل أنت مهتم ب الإنضمام لمدربين/ات و مدرسين/ات في مجال الدراسات الإعلامية و طلاب/طالبات الذين يعملون معاً لخلق برامج جديدة لوسائل الإعلام والتغيير؟ التعرف على متحدثين/ات وخبراء ومهنيين/ات الذين هم قادة في وسائل الإعلام والتربية الإعلامية والرقمية ؟ تعلم كيفية استخدام وسائل الإعلام وأدوات رقمية للانخراط في مجتمعك؟ سجل/ي الآن لتكون جزءا من هذه الشبكة والإنضمام […]
Welcome to the fifth edition of the Media and Digital Literacy Academy of Beirut The academy this year will focus on responding to extremism, gender equality, and human rights during conflicts and wars. The academy will work on finding solutions and developing media and digital literacy content related to these issues. This year’s participants come […]
How is the internet governed and regulated by governments, private sectors, and civil society and how this shapes the evolution and use of the Internet?
How is ISIS communicating with the world ? What tools is it using to spread its ideology?
تعليمات فروض ما قبل الأكاديمية 2022 القراءات الإلزاميّة :يرجى قراءة المقالات الآتية كاملةً 2022ما هي التربية الإعلامية ؟ مقدمة نقدية عن التربية الإعلامية. لمايكل هوشسمان وستيوارت بوينتس – What-is-Media-Literacy-Arabic version إلغاء الرقابة وتبني التربية الإعلامية النقدية: نهج استباقي للإعلام والشباب في الشرق الأوسط، لعبير النجّار – (سيتم نشر القراءة باللغة العربية في أسرع وقت ممكن) […]